Thursday 25 August 2011

As August Draws to a Close...

10 MORE DAYS!!!!

I am beside myself with excitement. Can't wait to move into the next chapter of my life. These next four years will be a rollercoaster of emotions, but hopefully I will survive. It'll be when I realize I am am in way over my head, that I was born to do vet med, and when I'll finally start feeling like an adult. Cause let's be serious... 21 is so young!

So what have I been doing to get ready? Not much actually. Until orientation, I really don't have enough information to truly be ready. Either way, I have my school supplies ready. I bought a nice expensive agenda so I don't have to use the free one that the school gives us. It's gotten me through undergrad but I think it's time for something a little more intense.

Thus far, we have completed all of our online surveys (just about personality types, demographics, expectations, and experience) and our schedule has been posted. Here is an example week for all of you that are morning people (us night owls will be cringing!):


We have been sent our invitations for the Professional Welcoming Ceremony, each student gets 4 and one needs to be a vet mentor that helped us get into vet school. I plan on inviting my two mentor vets and my parents. Very exciting. We have also been sent our Social Orientation calendar. Looks like a couple BBQs, a corn roast, Fraternity (QTS) pledge night and rewards night, and some open 'just for fun' hockey games. I am going to play hockey for the women's team... I have never played before, but neither will most of the team so it's okay! I also intend on pleding to the Frat. I have some upper year friends that pledged last year and had a blast. The Frat puts on HECTIC parties..... so good. I got into the beach party last year as a guest and it was buc. Sand, bikinis, and keg beer... need I say more? Hahaha! They also do some community work and study sessions run by upper years, and alcohol is free for the year so it'll be worth it for sure.

All that is left is to figure out who will be in our practice groups (12 groups of ~10 students) and to have the orientation page be updated with our orientation schedule. I know that it is only 10 days away and I should just be patient but I CAN'T!!! I want to know NOW!! haha hopefully Mon or Tues.

I also wanted to props a couple of songs that I have recently fallen in love with.
Mumford and Sons - The Cave
Tokyo Police Club - Favourite Colour
The Sheepdogs - I Don't Know

sooooo gooooood.... :)

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