Wednesday 3 August 2011

Hello and Welcome!!!

Hello, and welcome to my first blog ever. I would like to take a moment to explain what this blog is meant to do and what my inspiration was for starting one in the first place.

I was recently (June 2011) accepted in one of the most elite veterinary medical schools in North America, the Ontario Veterinary College. Being a University of Guelph graduate this made me excited because I have already spent 4 years on the campus and in the city. I get to keep my rented room, favourite Second Cup, and all my friends. Yay me! I have been working hard to get into vet school since I was 5 years old... and yes a 5 year old can work hard. Pictures of horses and puppies do NOT draw themselves ok! Haha, ok so high school was a breeze then undergrad kicked my gluteous maximus. However, I am accepted and I couldn't be more pleased. But why a blog? Well, being the huge nerd I am I was researching on what kind of things to expect in my first year and during orientation when I came across a vast array of veterinary student blogs. They were hilarious and inspiring. Then I had wished I had seen these before, maybe had like an older mentor to help me through my applications and interviews and orientation. That is when I realized that I could be that mentor for others, especially for Canadian students with intentions of also getting into the OVC.

So here I am, ready to go. I encourage anyone that finds this to drop me an email so I can get to know people out here in the blogosphere.

My intentions for the next 4 weeks before my first day of OVC:
- Review my high school choices for any youngins out there
- Talk about my animal and non-animal experiences
- Brief about the Canadian process and the OVC requirements
- Explain my undergrad choices
- Vent about how stupid the MCAT was
- Review my application process (references, personal statements, etc.)
- Explain how I prepped for my interview and explain what an MMI is
- Tell you what I am currently doing to prep for September

I hope that I can keep pictures involved as much as possible because it's more fun that way.


  1. Hey, I'm interested to know more about your preparation and views on the MMI at OVC. Hope to read more soon!

  2. Applying for associate degree admission or scholarship to any national or international university needs someone to submit either stuffed textual matter or an internet form. personal statement vet school

  3. Hi there! I discovered your blog a few years ago, back when I was in highschool and was considering going to UoG. With my first application coming this winter, I thought it would be interesting to revisit this blog and what you had to say. This time, I couldn't help notice that you were part of WO - which I currently am as well! What a small world this is :)
