Wednesday 10 August 2011

A Little Bit About Me!

Okay so I have all most completed my list so I can take a moment to talk a bit about me and what is going on around here.

So my name is Kay and was an Animal Biology major in the University of Guelph Bachelor of Honours Science program. Now I am an OVC student (class of 2015)!!! I am a pectarian (no chicken, beef, or pork) and my favourite food is Vegetable Pad Thai. I am a Virgo and am born in the year of the Snake, not that it means anything but the Zodiak is kind of fun. My favourite animals are Turkey Vultures, laying hens, labrador retrievers, and thoroughbreds! Let me show you!

Socrates the One Winged Turkey Vulture

Me with My Research Hens(s)

My Black Lab/Golden Retriever Jesse (13 yrs old)

Me falling off my old horse Trigger. Hahaha!

Us actually jumping!!!

I am currently working at a small animal clinic which provides great experience in vet medicine, but I really want to work in a mixed practice one day. My dream is to have my house, horses, and clinic all on the same giant property and be so happy! haha.

Right now I have a leopard gecko named  Steven Leopold and a snow corn snake named Princess Snow White that stay with me while I'm at school. Jesse lives at home with my parents and our new kitten Pippa Mewington (currently 6 weeks old).

Pippa Mewington

Steven Leopold

Not actually Snow White, but here species!!! She is not albino  but does lack pigment.

I am very much looking forward to orientation on Sept 5th and the Proffesional Welcoming ceremony on Sept 17th. There will definately be pics of campus and our class so stay tuned for that. They haven't given us too much info about orientation yet but we are completing some online surveys to give them more demographic info so they can assign us all into one of 12 practice groups. These groups are pretty much your family through phases 1, 2, and 3 so I can't wait to meet them and get straight to the socializing! haha I definately am a party animal (no pun intended!) so I intend on joining Omega Tau Sigma, our professional veterinary fraternity for some bad keg beer and good times! There is lots of social stuff to do in vet school, especially first semester, so I'm sure my class will get a good chance to bond very quickly. I have housemates and upper phase friends so I have already gotten a glimpse of what vet school will be like and how I want to experience it so I am very lucky. Hopefully I won't be caught off guard by too much, other than work load!

Okay, so that is a tid bit. I guess more to come later. Need to get some rest for work tomorrow!

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