Wednesday 2 November 2011


Wow. So busy!
Grand Council:
A hot hot mess. SO MUCH FUN!! However, just a mess of alcohol and destruction! The Betas did a fantastic job of hosting. What a beautiful city and campus.... and frat house! Until the Deltas showed up. We have a reputation that did not tarnish this year of causing as much trouble as possible... so we did that. hhaha. We had a "Toga" party n which we dressed in Gonzo gear, Gonzo Olympics (which was held in a field with a keg of beer in it!!!), Fancy dinner and guest speakers, a hilighter rave (so we went in all black), and then toured campus and the local waterfalls!! Unfortunately, Cornell would not allow me to take pictures in the building... but I have some of the campus!

We had the OTS Haunted House, the Frat Halloween party, and Trick-or-Eat.
Haunted house was fun, not as many people as I thought there'd be, but we really pulled out all the stops!!! My team were an autopsy room, dissecting "cadavers" which jumped to life.

Frat party got wild quick... ended up getting spilt up by the police... :( but a great time anyway!! Plus we just moved to a different house to continue the party anyway! hahaha

And if you are unfamiliar with TrickorEat go to Our OVC team had 26 members!! We ended up completing 5 routes!!! So proud of my classmates!!!

Look at all the donated food!!!
Midterm Update:
Well I got a great mark on my clin med midterm. That made me feel good! Then I got my histo mark... 58%. WHICH IS A PASS!!!! :D I know this is a poor mark, but 1/3 the class failed AND all the upper years said it is more common than not to fail this first histo test. My goal was to pass and I did!! :) I wrote Neurophysiology on Monday so no mark yet. I feel that because I spent the weekend doing Halloween stuff, I really did not study as hard as I know I should have... so bad K, but what can you do... work harderfor the next one!!! Anatomy Viva Voce Friday! Need to study lots more!!
Officially started!!!! I have a Movember page so please support me in my goal to raise money to fight against Prostate cancer!!!

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