Sunday 6 October 2013

Marketplace response

As i am sure most of you heard, CBC Marketplace did a "review" (I use this word loosely) of veterinary costs in Toronto last week and it got a LOT of people's hackles up, including me.

First, This is media. So of course is bias. Second, people have a right to their opinions about it.

I am sure if you read this blog, it is because you have an interest in veterinary medicine. So you probably found this show complete bullshit. But I am mostly worried for those viewers that do not have an interest in vet med; similar to the clients that rant and rave about an exam fee while holding a Starbucks latte and the new iPhone 5 and then leave in their BMW with their $1000 purebred animal. These are the people I fear will listen to marketplace.

Some people can straight up not afford vet med for their animal that they love dearly. I know that I get edgey when I have to take my reptiles in or my parent's animals. I am a student. I would much rather buy new shoes or go out for dinner, or buy beer with this money, but my animal needs it. I hate paying for meds and my car and gas, and all sorts of things, so TRUTHFULLY I get that the vet's office seems like a money grab. And the biggest thing that is lacking is communication. If I knew WHY gas prices went up the hour before I needed to fill up, or WHY the car needed to have a part replaced, maybe I would respect the cost more. I think that if clients knew WHY we heartworm test, WHY we vaccinate, what those disease treatments would cost and the amount of pain and suffering the animal would go through, they would be more willing to pay the bill.

Communication, communication, communication! Most important part of our job!

There was an article in the OVMA magazine a while back about getting clients to understand the VALUE of what you are doing. I really am on board with this. Show them what you are doing! Show them your clinic! Introduce them to your "behind the scenes" staff!

Anyway, there are enough ACTUAL vets posting their opinions online, and as upset as I was about the out of context bashing this woman did on vets, I would much rather offer you some things to read so you can formulate your own opinions.

The episode if you have not seen it.

And some Twitter responses! Definitely good to read for a chuckle!

A vet from Quebec

A vet from Toronto

3 1/2:
A response from a client.

A blog about the darker side of vet med

A blog from a silly vet

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